Privacy Policy

PetYogi's privacy policy

Welcome to PetYogi, your go-to meditation app for finding peace and balance in your life. We understand that your privacy is of the utmost importance, and we are committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal data. This blog post serves as our privacy policy, where we will outline the information we collect and how we use it to provide you with the best meditation experience possible.

1. What Information Do We Collect?

At PetYogi, we collect only the information necessary to enhance your meditation journey. Here's what we gather:

a. Email and Password:

When you create an account with us, we collect your email and password for authentication purposes. Rest assured that your password is securely encrypted, and we never store it in plain text.

b. Journaling Data:

To personalize and improve your meditation experience, we allow you to journal your thoughts and feelings within the app. This data is used solely to generate meditation content through OpenAI's API, making it more tailored to your needs. We never share this data with other third parties.

2. How Do We Use Your Data?

Your data is crucial in enhancing your meditation experience, and we use it as follows:

a. Authentication:

We use your email and password to verify your identity when you log in, ensuring that only you have access to your meditation journal.

b. Journaling Data:

Your journaling data is utilized exclusively to provide you with personalized meditation content. It is sent to OpenAI's API to generate meditation scripts, and the results are displayed within your app. We never use your data for any other purpose or share it without your consent.

3. Keeping Your Data Secure

At PetYogi, your data privacy is our top priority. We take rigorous measures to keep your information secure, including:

a. Encryption:

All confidential data transmitted between your device and our servers is encrypted, ensuring that your information remains private.

b. Limited Access:

Only authorized personnel have access to your data, and they are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.

c. Data Retention:

We keep your journaling data for as long as you use our app, and you can delete it at any time. Once deleted, it is permanently removed from our servers. You can request to delete your account by contacting

4. Your Consent Matters

We understand the importance of obtaining your consent for sharing any of your data. We will never share your journaling data, generated meditations, or answers to journal prompts without your explicit permission.

5. Updates to Our Privacy Policy

To ensure that your privacy is always protected, we may update our privacy policy from time to time. When we make changes, we will notify you through the app or via email, so you're always aware of how your data is handled.

In conclusion, at PetYogi, we are dedicated to providing you with a peaceful and personalized meditation experience while safeguarding your data. Your trust is essential to us, and we are committed to earning and maintaining it. If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing PetYogi to be a part of your meditation journey. Your peace of mind and privacy are our top priorities.